
Yellow laser
Yellow lasers are really few and far between, and expensive, so what could be better then than mixing two beams and building your own? Here is an easy way to do it:

You use a green and a red laser, even a cheap one, find a cube where you can make the mix of the two beams, and once they are well aligned, you will have a nice yellow.


This is something that takes time and patience, so adjust accordingly.

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LASER Gloves - Yes I built them well before the Chinese for "astronomical" purposes, from good memory! These are from 2005, years and years before! They were supposed to be a swag for pointing out constellations in the sky during events we organized, but then we stopped. Today they have been temporarily taken down. The Chinese version was built for use in dance clubs.

guanti 1

A good separate power supply, two switches on the end of the gloves allowed them to be conveniently turned on.

guanti 2

listed in the things to rebuild with interesting variations.

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